The final poster after critique it was mentioned how the color scheme was to outdated and the colors alluded to not a contemporary feel. The rhetorical trope I'm still using my rendering style of the breaking of the forms to allude to their music being disparate and the deconstruction of the shapes as an allegory which reflects the abstract idea of their style of their music being contemporary and spontaneous. There is a lot of brown in my color scheme and the 8PM needs to get bigger. The kerning on my overall poster needs to reflect a tighten. The 2010 is not necessary considering that is this week that the concert is happening. I also feel that the piano has the same cut out texture as the other instruments in my composition. Another element that I included was a halftone in certain areas of the instruments.
Taking in consideration what was mentioned in critique on monday certain changes were made
that will help have a more contemporary feel to the overall design. I feel that this final revision is more contemporary with the color scheme of blues and jazz feel;as well is more masculine considering the trio is composed of three men. By having just the keys of the piano rather than the full image of the piano it more abstract. The Bad Plus font has been changed because before it felt like it was mixing into the composition and the name hierarchically was not being the main thing you saw. "Sept. 25" was reduced so the breaking of the text happening in earlier versions was arrange not in a complete thought by the simplification is more straightforward.

big ad (color)
Good job putting the poster "in context". It looks good in the display case.