First Spread explaining the Homeless Shelter and the different kinds of shelters

Introduction to this kit or system of Patch Up

Detailed layout a band-aid texture was explored for the back to make a clear
statement about the patching up
or healing back
The fold out page will be a map this is a rough layout

Banners and signs that will go with out system to indicate where you can
obtain the booklets as well as in case one gets lost where it can be obtained
We mind mapped the name for this system and Kelsey and I came up with the name "Patch-up" alluding to a medical term of healing and we felt this system will led to to "fix themselves" and get back on track. These are prototypes based on the reading " What Sketches ( and Prototypes) Are and Are Not" by Bill Buxton in which they took longer to construct as well as the idea is more concise. We felt that we should explain or how to use the organization in the first page and then have a section for tricks and tips and then contacts and last but not the least in the tearable page have a map in this case the shelter. As well the icon set needs to be improved to match the other icons in the system and keep the consistency. Kelsey and I decided to explore some signage or banners that will let the audience know about to Patch-Up and where to obtain the booklets or incase a booklet it gets lost they can obtain it whom ever organization the banner is showcased.
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